Thursday, March 4, 2010

New Year Resolution

I don't do New Year Resolutions. I can't remember a year when I made a resolution and I'm not sure why. It might be because I realized at a very young age that nobody seems to keep their resolutions. It might also be that I tend to be a non-conformist. It might also be that all of the most popular New Year's resolutions make are so depressing and I really try not to make lists that are going to depress me. Or maybe I'm just plain lazy or such a procrastinator that I know I'll never achieve a resolution, so why bother making one in the first place?

I'll tell you what I do make... I make lists. Lots and lots of lists. Here, I'll prove it to you.

1) On my desk, next to my laptop, you can tiny squares of paper pulled from a page a day calendar with half dozen lists I've made over the last week.
2) I make daily or semi-daily "To Do Lists" and post them on my private message boards and scratch each completed item off, religiously.
3) If you peek at my computer, and click the Ever note tab, you'll see dozens of lists I've made over the last year. Shopping lists, lists of ideas, lists of people I needed to talk to or email. Lists of all sorts.
4) Wander through my blog and you'll find a number of Meme type lists. I'm a sucker for a good list.

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