Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Importance of English

...the world, it is second only to Mandarin Chinese in terms of the amount of people which speak it, but second to none in terms of the number of people learning it. It is currently the primary language used on the World, in the political and business arenas. It has even become the language of today's pop culture. So yes, I definitely think that learning English is important.

While English may not have as large a quantity of speakers as Mandarin it is still more widespread and herein lays its importance. Mandarin Chinese is hardly spoken outside Chinese communities, however in many regions of the world where English is not the native language, it is still widely spoken and integrated in the curriculums of educational institutions. In many countries Malaysia, for example, where there various ethnic groups with their own unique language, English is used as a means of communications between all of them. So we can see that the importance of English doesn't lie in the quantity of people that speak it but in way we use it.

We learn, we heard, we know then we speak. English everybody! yeah!

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